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Fuel consumption calculation of oil-fired boiler

2021-02-22 09:39    page view:

Guide: Oil is definitely more expensive than gas, coal, and biomass. If biomass fuel is 700 yuan/ton, oil fuels like methanol can reach 1,500 yuan/ton, or even higher.

  Oil is definitely more expensive than gas, coal, and biomass. If biomass fuel is 700 yuan/ton, oil fuels like methanol can reach 1,500 yuan/ton, or even higher. However, specific customer needs are destined to have a special place in the field of boilers for environmentally friendly oil-fired boilers.

  At present, the common condensing oil-fired boilers mainly include light diesel boilers, methanol boilers, alcohol-based fuel boilers, kerosene boilers, and oil-burning boilers. The main types of these boilers include SZS condensing boilers and WNS horizontal quick-installed boilers. There are individual ZG-type oil-fired power station boilers that use oil-fired boilers to generate electricity. Due to the particularity of the oil-fired boiler type, its combustion efficiency is generally above 95%, plus the high calorific value of the oil, so in terms of the fuel consumption calculation of the oil-fired boiler, it is easy to find a way to buy an oil-fired boiler Customer satisfaction results.

1. Calculation of fuel consumption of high-efficiency oil-fired boilers

  (1) Hourly fuel consumption of oil-fired steam boilers = hourly gas production of oil-fired steam boilers × (fuel steam heat-feed water heat) / fuel low heating value × boiler thermal efficiency

  (2) Fuel consumption of oil-fired hot water boiler running for 1 hour = weight of water (Kg) × specific heat capacity of water × temperature difference (temperature difference between inlet and outlet water) / fuel heating value × boiler thermal efficiency

  The above two methods are more specific, but in fact, we can use the unified calculation formula of boiler fuel consumption to roughly estimate. After the boiler parameters are really determined, the engineer of the boiler manufacturer can calculate it accurately.

  The general formula for calculating the oil consumption per hour of the oil-fired boiler: 3600*heating power/fuel heating value/boiler thermal efficiency

  Taking a 10-ton oil-fired boiler as an example, its heating power is 7MW, assuming that the combustion heat value of a certain oil fuel is 42Mj/kg, and the boiler fuel efficiency is 95%, it can be concluded that a 10-ton boiler needs oil consumption per hour=3600 *7/42/0.95, about 630kg.

2. Reference table for hourly fuel consumption of oil-fired boilers of various tonnages (assuming conditions equal to the above)

1t condensing oil-fired boiler requires 63kg fuel consumption per hour 2 ton small oil-fired boiler consumes 126kg per hour
3 ton horizontal oil-fired boiler consumes 189kg per hour 4 ton oil-fired boiler consumes 252kg per hour
5 ton fuel oil boiler consumes 315kg per hour 6t oil-fired boiler requires fuel consumption of 873kg per hour
8-ton condensing oil-fired boiler consumes 504kg per hour 10 ton quick-installed fuel gas boiler consumes 630kg oil per hour
12-ton oil-fired boiler consumes 756kg oil per hour 15 ton oil furnace requires 945kg of fuel per hour
20 ton oil-fired boiler uses 1260kg of oil per hour 25 ton oil-fired steam boiler consumes 1575kg per hour
30-ton oil-fired boiler consumes 1890kg per hour 40-ton oil-fired boiler costs 2520kg per hour
A 50-ton energy-saving oil-fired boiler requires 3150kg of oil per hour 60-ton condensing oil-fired boiler consumes 8730kg per hour

3. Summary of the calorific value of each oil fuel of the boiler

Crude oil calorific value 41.03-45.22MJ/kg Heat value of heavy oil 39.36-41.03MJ/kg
Diesel heating value 46.04MJ/kg Kerosene calorific value 43.11MJ/kg
Gasoline calorific value 43.11MJ/kg Asphalt calorific value 37.69MJ/kg
Tar calorific value 29.31-37.69MJ/kg Methanol fuel calorific value 30.6-37.7MJ/kg

  At present, the country does not have many restrictions on oil-fired boilers, but only requires the prohibition of new heavy oil boilers, and other environmentally-friendly oil-fired boilers that are allowed to use must comply with national and local boiler air pollutant emission standards.


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